罗伊·C. 起重机小


罗伊起重机, creator of Wash Tubbs and Buz Sawyer, has been called the father of the adventure story cartoon strip. Some of Crane’s earliest sketches were done in 1918 and 1919 here on the HSU campus and were featured in the student newspaper and in the yearbook.

小罗伊斯顿·坎贝尔·克兰. was born in Abilene, 德州, on November 22, 1901, the only child surviving infancy of Judge R. C. Mamie Douthit Crane. In 1903, the Crane family relocated to Sweetwater, 德州, where Roy began to develop into a remarkable and imaginative artist. In 1915, Crane’s father enrolled Roy in the Charles N. 兰登 correspondence art course based in Cleveland, 俄亥俄州, to bring discipline and balance to the 13-year-old’s still unfettered talent.

Crane graduated from Sweetwater High School in 1918, where he contributed to the school’s yearbook. 毕业后, with World War I drawing to an exciting close, 16-year-old Roy tried to enlist in the Army. He was denied enlistment by the recruiting officer who knew Roy’s father, Judge Crane, very well. 那个夏天, Roy joined local businessmen who helped work on the cotton farms of families whose sons were away in service. 在秋天, Roy convinced his father to let him attend Simmons College, which was to have a Student Army Training Corps. Although he was too young to join the Corps, 克兰买了一套制服, received military training with the others, and became a college freshman at 16.

Crane left a sizable legacy of caricatures and biting gag lines in the 1918-1919 edition of the HSU yearbook, 的野马, that uniquely captured the prevailing politics and campus mood during his initial collegiate experience. The Brand became the first college newspaper to publish a Crane cartoon on December 13, 1918.

After attending Simmons for two semesters, Crane worked as an artist and reporter for several newspapers and magazines, attended the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, and later became a journalism student at the University of 德州.

In 1922, Crane sailed for France and Belgium, leaving the Lone Star State and his elusive degree behind. After a number of harrowing experiences abroad and on board ship, Crane docked in New York City where he found employment at the New York World. There he was a member of the art department and assistant to cartoonist H. T. 韦伯斯特.

During this time, Crane began trying to get published, sending his cartoon sketches to syndicates. His former mail-order art instructor, Charles N. 兰登, had become art director for the PG电子游戏paper Enterprise Association syndicate, and it was he who approved the comic strip, 华盛顿·塔布斯二世, which debuted in 1924 and eventually established 罗伊起重机 as an internationally famous cartoonist.

In 1928, Crane married the former Evelyn Cecila Hatcher, and the couple had two daughters, 玛西娅和南希.

Crane’s popular strip was already widely imitated by 1929 when Crane introduced the Captain Easy character as a sidekick to Wash Tubbs. In 1933, the Captain got a series of his own, Captain Easy, Soldier of Fortune.

In 1943, Crane推出了Buz Sawyer, which in a few short years was carried by 550 newspapers in 10 countries and was read by an estimated 40 million people daily. 美国. S. 海军, pleased with the publicity it received from Buz Sawyer’s adventures as a reservist on active duty, recognized Crane with a plaque commemorating his visit aboard the Carrier Independence. In 1944, he was honored by Rear Admiral A. W. 雷德福, acting deputy chief of Naval Operations, for his support of World War II through his comic strips. He also received the Gold Medal Award for Distinguished Public Service from the U. S. 海军 in 1957 and received a commendation as an accredited war correspondent.

In 1950, Crane became the fifth recipient of the Billy De Beck Memorial Award, which later became the Reuben Award that is given annually to the cartoonist of the year by the National Cartoon Society. He received numerous industry awards throughout his distinguished career as a cartoonist, and in 1957 was awarded an honorary doctorate by Rollins College in Winter Park, 佛罗里达. In 1969, he receive a Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of 德州.

Crane was a member of the National Cartoonists’ Society, the Aviation-Space Writers Association, was an honorary member of the U. S. 海军 League, and was listed in Who’s Who in America. In 1965, Crane established the 罗伊起重机 Award for Outstanding Creative Achievement in the Arts at the University of 德州.

Crane continued to take an active part in the daily production of his famous strip until his death on July 8, 1977, 享年76岁.

It is the high honor of Hardin-Simmons大学 to recognize one of her own and to formally induct 小罗伊斯顿·坎贝尔·克兰. 进入哈佛大学领导大厅.